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A versatile class covering the bow & arrow pole trick from transitional shape to aerial feat. This trick is a excellent way to condition for more advanced tricks like iguana, and offers a sexy shape to exit out of a layback.
Use it or lose it. “Spicy Conditioning” is an erotic lens on pole conditioning that reconsiders strength to include sensations and soul. Learn how to use the carousel pole mechanics to mount the pole and move into positions. All Levels
A deeper exploration into sculpting out what the ‘martini’ pole dance hold has to offer with sensational and erotic tricks from those contact points.
An intro and exploration session to sculpting out brass knee grip concepts into beg/intermediate shapes and tricks with contrasts and cues to infuse life into the techniques.
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An in-depth roadmap for preparing to invert and learn upside-down tricks without the need of a traditional invert. All tricks in this course give students the sensibilities of inversion skills close to the ground that can transition into floorwork.
Tricks intended to sexualize the body, requiring grip and mobility from body parts often made sexual, all done from a pole sit.
Create interesting and efficient movement with your pole climbs. Rotational, Pole Sit & Side Climbs cued and applied in-depth.
Learn the difference between fan and flare kicks. Create consistent executions with considerations towards various techniques.
A roadmap for developing knee-pit grip and the range of motion understanding that unlocks a wide possibility of tricks.